Taking A Look At Treatments For Acid Reflux
This year, 15 million Americans will suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It may start with a particularly uncomfortable burp and leave a restricted feeling in the chest. Some will toss and turn at night, coughing and inhaling excess acid.
The next day, they'll feel lethargic and asthmatic. Symptoms of acid reflux may be indicative of bigger problems like a poor diet, lactose intolerance or digestive failure. Treatments for acid reflux vary, but the good news is that it's not something with which one has to suffer.
If you want to find the best treatment for acid reflux, then change a few bad habits. Most people don't realize that all the kitchen cleaning after the meal contributes to acid reflux, or that laying down within three hours after eating can create a whole world of problems.
More than half of the people who suffer from chronic heartburn also have some form of "supine reflux," which affects people in their sleep. For supine acid reflux sufferers, the symptoms can sometimes be subtle. They may toss and turn, have difficulty breathing, sweat profusely, have coughing fits and wake up feeling hoarse (from breathing in the stomach acids).
Most people also know that greasy and fatty foods are terrible for the digestive tract. Often the stomach needs to produce more acid to break down the greasy layers and protein-based food. Then, on top of that, some fatty foods are simply insoluble and they putrefy in the stomach, rotting and causing a build-up of "unpleasantries," from gas to reflux.
It can be shocking to people when they've been able to eat certain foods their entire lives but as they age, those same foods become a problem. Citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes, spearmint, peppers and red wine can all be nasty triggers for attacks.
The most common treatments are antacids. This heartburn medication will help sufferers treat the immediate symptoms of acid reflux for fast-acting relief. Hardcore antacids include Reglan and Gaviscon, which aim to improve overall digestive coordination, speeding up the digestive process and creating foam barriers to prevent acid from seeping up unexpectedly. There are often over-the-counter options that work just fine or prescription-based variants for the people with severe GERD symptoms.
The second category of heartburn medication is the Histamine 2 Receptors. Histamine 2 Receptors, like Pepcid AC or Zantac, work by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach, which is sometimes cited as a contributing factor.
For preventative measures, a third treatment includes Proton Pump Inhibitors, which suppresses excessive acid production during those big feasts. Drugs like Prilosec or Nexium are said to work best.
For the occasional sufferer, any drug store will carry a calcium carbonate like Tums, Rolaids or Maalox. These bind to and neutralize acid for immediate reprieve. A fourth treatment are the effervescent products (like Alkaseltzer), which comes in handy when that restrictive feeling in the chest and intense abdominal pain signals real digestive trouble.
While these methods might seem easy enough, the best treatment for acid reflux is to amend one's diet and attack the culprit behind the heartburn symptoms. Occasionally, one will suffer heartburn because there is actually a lack of stomach acids and the necessary chemical triggers don't signal the pancreas or the intestines to help out in the transport of waste and the absorption of nutrients. Spicy foods shouldn't be a deal-breaker if one's diet is packed with Omega-6, Omega-3, vitamins, minerals and leafy greens!
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Educate yourself further about the treatments for acids reflux from Mike Selvon articles portal. Your feedback is valued and appreciated at our acid reflux treatment blog where a free audio gift awaits you.
Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms And Treatment Options By Cindy Heller
What Are The Symptoms To Look For?
As stated earlier, some of the symptoms of acid reflux so similarity with heart attack that it can create panic in people. The frequency of the acid reflux can vary from one individual to the other. Even the symptoms can range from mild to severe.
The most common of the various symptoms that signal acid reflux disease, is heartburn. Heartburn does not bear any connection with the heart of the person. In fact it is a burning sensation that occurs in the food pipe and the chest area. Heartburn can be extremely uncomfortable and can often be accompanied by regurgitation of the undigested food in the mouth area, leaving a sour taste. Heartburn can worsen when one lies down.
Heartburn also engulfs the larynx or the throat area and the person can develop severe coughing and a hoarse throat. Sometimes, the coughing gets so bad that it make it difficult to sleep. The symptoms of coughing can eventually turn into asthmatic conditions. In addition to these, there can be difficulties in swallowing.
Chest pain is also very common in cases of acid reflux. At times, the chest pain leaves the person in panic of heart attack. The easy way to distinguish is that the acid reflux chest pain normally is reduced or gone after taking an antacid. In case of heart attack there is heaviness in the chest which does not seem to subside. What Can You Do?
The foremost thing to do in case of acid reflux attacks is to calm down and retrospect the quality of life that one is leading. Having nutritious diet including enough vegetables and fruits combined with an active lifestyle with morning exercise or even walks can reduce the problems of heartburn to a great extent.
Apart from the lifestyle changes, one must get thorough diagnosis of the problem by a physician so as to rule out other abnormalities in the functioning of the body. For example, an EEG will rule out the possibilities of heart problems. Women can face acid reflux problems during there pregnancy. Similarly, threats of having hiatal hernia can also be ruled out.
Medical Acid Reflux Disease Treatments
Medicinal acid reflux treatments come in a two way process. Normally, for acid reflux problems the doctor suggests medicines and drugs complemented with lifestyle changes. In cases where these do not provide sufficient relief and the symptoms reoccur after stopping the medicines, endoscopies can be prescribed.
In very rare cases, the doctors may suggest surgery to fix the loosened lower esophageal sphincter valve. The surgery is however considered the last option when medicines seize to give any comfort.
The most commonly used medicinal treatment for acid reflux is antacids. Antacids provide immediate relief from the symptoms of heartburn by neutralizing the stomach acids. Gelusil, Mylanta, Tums are the popular antacids. Besides antacids, there are H2 blockers receptors. These work by reducing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. These medications are taken at least 30 minutes before the meals. Ranitidine, Cimetidine, Famotidine are some of the drugs under this category. Yet another effective treatment for acid reflux is the proton pump inhibitor. These work by blocking the acid production and thereby aiding the healing of the damaged esophagus. Prilosec, Nexium are the popular proton pump inhibitors. These medications are available over the counter. However, there are prescription medicines which are of greater strength than their OTC variant.
If medicines have little or no effect in curing the acid reflux symptoms, the doctor may advice certain tests such as the Barium X-Ray, endoscopies, acid probe test etc which can determine the condition and the severity of the esophageal damage. Based on the kind of damage, the doctor may suggest different medication or even surgery. The surgical procedure is very rare and is aimed at tying the upper layer of the stomach over the lower esophagus, thus tightening the esophageal sphincter.
Final Word about Acid Reflux Treatment
Though there are number of medications and treatments available for the problem of acid reflux, the best method is still adopting healthy lifestyle. The medicinal and alternative treatments just cure the symptoms and the best way to control these are changing diet and leading an active life.
About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit acid reflux explained to learn more about acid reflux surgery and other acid reflux disease symptoms.
Understanding Acid Reflux Problem In Babies By Cindy Heller
Acid reflux in babies can be a real trouble for the parents, especially the first time parents. It is pathetic to see the babies who do not know any other way to communicate their pain but to cry inconsolably. Acid reflux symptoms in babies are not as clear as they are in adults and it may be difficult to diagnose.
Acid reflux in babies normally occurs after feed. The contents of the stomach are refluxed back and the baby might spit up or vomit. So, how does one conclude that the spitting up is due to acid reflux and not any other problem? Let us first look at the symptoms of acid reflux disease.
Acid reflux is a common problem in infants. More than 50% of the babies experience acid reflux symptoms during the first three months of age. The symptoms subside on their own after 12-18 months period as the babies' sphincter valve develops fully and strengthens.
Symptoms of Acid reflux Problem in Babies
In case of young babies, acid reflux is also known as "spitting - up". Hence if your child spits up after every feed, then he is more likely to have acid reflux. In addition to this, there can be difficulties in feeding; some babies typically arch their back while trying to avoid feeds. In chronic cases of acid reflux problem in babies, there is no weight gain. Also the baby may pass blood in stool or vomit brown or green colored liquid. While simpler cases of acid reflux can be handled easily, chronic acid reflux needs immediate medical attention.
Acid reflux occurs due to the relaxed lower esophageal sphincter muscle. In case of babies, these muscles may not be fully developed causing the acid reflux problem. When the baby feeds, the stomach extends and the sphincter valve opens up to pass the contents as vomit into the food pipe. In adults, acid reflux problem causes severe heartburn and chest pain. However, in case of babies there is no evidence of the occurrence of heart burn.
As discussed earlier, acid reflux problem is common in babies but with a little bit of care and understanding, parents can overcome this problem. Also the babies with acid reflux problem will have poor sleeping habits and difficulties in sleeping. They may wake up several times before sleeping. It is tough to handle a child with acid reflux and the parents can be completely exhausted.
However, some babies take the acid reflux problem in their stride and are happy spitters. They remain quite happy and satisfied even when dressed in spit from top to bottom!!!
Preventive Measures for Acid Reflux Problems in Babies
With a little precaution and preventive measures, parents may overcome the acid reflux problem in babies. It is advisable to keep the babies in upright position at least 30 minutes after feeds. Even when laying down the baby in the bed, it must be ensured that there head remains inclined at an angle of 30 degrees.
The baby must be given smaller and frequent feeds combined with burping in between the feeds. Overfeeding can result in acid reflux and spitting. Also while making the baby burp, he should be held in such a position that there is no pressure on the stomach. In addition to this, babies with acid reflux problems should be made to wear lighter clothes that are not tight near the stomach and waist area. The breast feeding mothers should eat simple and nutritious diet and should avoid heavy and spicy foods.
In some cases, mixing rice cereals with formula may reduce the acid reflux problems in babies. If the baby is on breast feed, then the mother can express the milk in a feeding bottle before mixing rice cereal.
Final word for Acid Reflux Suffering Babies
The final word is to the parents of the babies, who suffer from acid reflux disease. Acid reflux is a common problem and the parents should not worry excessively about it. As the child grows, this problem goes off on its own in most of the cases. In chronic cases only medications are required.
The parents must be aware of the symptoms of acid reflux and take proper precautions. Finally, with loads of patience, love and understanding, they can deal with the acid reflux problem in a better way.
About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit acid reflux explained to learn more about infant acid reflux symptoms and other acid reflux symptoms in children.
The Best Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux By Cindy Heller
Acid reflux problem is a condition of the digestive system of human anatomy. Acid reflux can occur to young and old, irrespective of the age. Though all of us would have sometimes experienced symptoms of acid reflux, but frequent episodes of acid refluxes can ruin the life of a person by giving him sleepless nights.
Let us first understand what acid reflux is all about. The acid reflux disease is also known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In this case, the stomach acids, often accompanied by the food can be thrown back into the food pipe causing a terrible burning sensation. This is known as heartburn, and is often followed by a severe chest pain which is similar to a heart attack. Frequent cases of acid reflux causes damage to the esophageal lining and can often lead to cancer of the esophagus.
Acid reflux is generally taken for granted for indigestion problems and often taking an antacid or an aerated drink causes immediate release of gas through burps. This may provide some relief from the acid reflux problem but is certainly not a cure for the disease.
Acid reflux problem occurs due to lifestyle problems and bad eating habits. Though medications may provide cure for the symptoms of the disease but the best way to avoid this problem is by natural treatments.
Treating Acid Reflux the Natural way
Natural treatment for acid reflux includes inculcating good food habits and changes in the way we lead our lives. This can be done by avoiding acidic foods from the diet, adopting healthier means of cooking and sticking to an exercise routine.
Healthy and nutritious diet plan can be great change and effective method of starting natural treatment for acid reflux problem. Healthy diet does not necessarily mean boiled meals but you can still have vegetables and meat grilled and baked using less fat and spices. Creativity and imagination is what is needed to make a simple meal healthier and tastier.
Sacrificing the ill habit of hitting the bed or lying down immediately after meals is also a cure for acid reflux problem. The meals should be taken at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. One can go out for slow walks after meal or indulge in playing with your pet instead of lying down. While sleeping, it is advisable to rest on your left side rather than your back. Also, raising the headboard of the bed to an inclined position also helps to control the acid reflux.
Though alcohol consumption and smoking do not generally cause acid reflux but they certainly aggravate the condition. Hence, these must be avoided. Also drinks containing caffeine i.e. coffee and tea must be avoided. Instead prepare yourself an herbal tea made from lavender, mint leaves and aniseed. These are known to prevent acid attacks and soothe the esophageal lining.
Herbs like ginger root, chicory root, and goldenseal are known to provide excellent relief from the symptoms of acid reflux. Apart from these, apple cider vinegar works well for some people. Fruits like pineapple, banana and apples are known to absorb the stomach acid and relax the acid reflux symptoms.
There are innumerable natural treatments available. These treatments are free from the harmful side effects of mediations. However, not all natural treatments can have the same effect on everyone. While apple cider vinegar may work for one person, it may not for the other person. So, one has to try out before deciding on the natural treatment that best suits him.
Stick to the Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux
Finding the best possible natural treatment is a long procedure and one needs to have certain amount of patience. Once you have found the natural solution to your acid reflux problem, stick to it. Though slow in action, the natural treatments have long term benefits to reap.
The normal tendency of us, human beings, is that the moment we reach the comfort zone, we forget the hardships that were taken to reach to the pinnacle. It may be still easier to control acid reflux problems with natural treatments but sticking to it after attaining a certain degree of comfort, is difficult. Hence, if you have seen the benefits of introducing positive changes in your food and living habits by natural means, then try to stick to the regimen.
About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit acid reflux explained to learn more about newborn acid reflux symptoms and other natural remedies for acid reflux.
Acid reflux disease and you By John B Galt
Acid reflux disease is a chronic condition and may lead to more serious medical conditions. Acid reflux disease is heartburn 2 or more days a week despite treatment and diet change. Acid reflux disease is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux disease is caused by reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus.
Reflux is also more likely to occur soon after meals, when the volume and acidity of contents in the stomach are higher. Reflux becomes a disease when the symptoms start causing impediments to normal lifestyle, and when the pain is chronic, severe, and over a prolonged period of time. Acid reflux is treatable and you should ask your doctor what treatments are available and right for you.
Symptoms of acid reflux include heartburn, regurgitation and nausea. Symptoms which occur less than five times in a month can easily be treated by over the counter medicines. Symptoms can be greatly relieved or prevented by lifestyle and dietary changes as well as the use of herbs known to promote healthy digestion. Lying down after a meal, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and even performing certain activities, such as bending over, can also trigger symptoms in patients.
Acid reflux is treatable and you should ask your doctor what treatments are available and right for you. Treatment for acid reflux disease is very personal; what works for one patient will be ineffective for another. Treatment of the symptoms of acid reflux usually includes taking some medication. A doctor can evaluate the condition and advise on an appropriate treatment plan.
Foods that contain high amounts of fat in them are often a cause of acid reflux disease. Foods that contain a lot of citrus or acid can obviously be a common cause. Foods such as chocolate and ice-cream can also cause acid reflux disease. Foods like fresh apple as well as dried apples are very beneficial for people suffering from acid reflux.
Acid reflux disease is also known as GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) and more commonly as heartburn. Acid reflux disease is the spontaneous regurgitation of acid and food from the stomach into the esophagus. Acid reflux disease is often a chronic condition that can lead to serious complications over time. Acid reflux disease is often mistaken for occasional heartburn because of its frequent and persistent heartburn symptoms. Acid Reflux Disease is a chronic condition that, if left untreated, may lead to more serious medical conditions.
About the Author
Who is John B Galt? John B Galt is an avid writer and frequent contributor to thefreshest.info. Click for more info about acid reflux disease.
What is a good Acid Reflux diet plan? By Louise Bell
About 11.5% of all people in the United States suffer from Gastro Esophageal Disease or GERD, more commonly known as Acid Reflux. The most common reason for this is that they simply do not know what to eat and what not to eat in order to avoid the disease. Acid reflux is a condition in which the food pipe, or the esophagus, that stretches from our throat to the stomach gets irritated when the stomach regurgitates acidic liquid into it. It is sometimes called "heartburn" as the esophagus lies just behind the heart and so the acid burning sensation seems like it might be coming from there.
The simplest way to "heartburn" is to follow a proper acid reflux diet plan such as the one below.
The Acid Reflux Diet Plan
* Eat soft food that include eggs, tapioca, oatmeal, vegetables, pudding, whole grain breakfast bars, soft whole grain breads without nuts, soy milk, flax oil, liquid aloe vera, apple sauce, rice and potato.
* Eat several meals (in smaller quantities) every day instead three large principal meals. Eating smaller quantities, more frequently, helps the stomach since it needs less acid to digest smaller meals and so secretes less acid.
* Try to avoid alcohol, carbonated natural sodas, coffee, chocolate, peppermint, fried foods, spicy food, tomato sauce and citrus fruit.
* Do not eat anything up to three hours before going to bed.
* Drink a lot of water to help wash down any acidic residue after every meal.
* Take a spoonful of raw honey occasionally to sooth the esophagus.
* Take Barleygreen or any other green drink powder, JustCarrots and RediBeet every morning.
* You can also try out alternative healing methods. For example, Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy that many finds works really well in the case of heartburn and acid reflux. Besides, it has no side effects and so may be taken as often as you like.
* Take Licorice root in tea form or 400 mg tablet of DGL about half an hour before each meal.
* Freshly prepared cabbage juice is good for the gastrointestinal tract and may be taken every day. But do not take more than a glass.
* Also good is Chamomile Tea and a couple of cups every morning will have a calming effect on the esophagus.
* Ask your physician and he will tell you that liquid calcium is soothing to the GI tract. Take a combination of Calcium and magnesium for best results. The magnesium in the compound helps relax the tightened muscles of the esophagus and the stomach while calcium provides the soothing effect.
* Keep a Food Diary so you can find out if anything particular is causing the acidity.
And lastly, you may or may not have a small glass of milk along with your regular meal but only after making sure that it is free of hormones or antibiotics.
Your Acid Reflux should improve considerably if you consistently follow these simple steps in the acid reflux diet regimen.
About the Author
Louise Bell writes on health topics from a lay person's perspective. To find out more about acid reflux causes and food to avoid for acid reflux visit her Health Tips website - http://justhealthmatters.com or click on the links to go straight to the
Chronic Heartburn /Sign Of Other Problems By Chuck Hoskins
Persons using self-treatment to combat chronic heartburn may be masking the symptoms of other problems. For most symptoms to be deemed chronic, it would have to occur more than three times a week for a period of two or three weeks. With chronic heartburn, if the person's diet or other aspects of their lifestyle have not changed, it could be a sign of other medical problems.
Typically, heartburn is caused by the contents in the stomach being pushed back into the esophagus, causing the acid in the stomach to irritate its sensitive lining. There can be many causes of this including gastrointestinal reflux disease, a hiatal hernia or a blockage in the stomach. When a person suffers from chronic heartburn it is advisable to check with a doctor to rule out any of the major problems.
Usually, when a person suffers from heartburn, which is not uncommon if dietary habits on inconsistent or they eat or drink something that high in acidic content. In these cases and over the counter medication will usually quell the burning sensation and it will disappear once the substance has been processed. If it continues for several days during a week or two, chronic heartburn can be treated with prescription medications.
Extinguishing The Fire In The Belly
Those suffering from chronic heartburn are also at risk for developing ulcers in the esophagus as well as in the stomach. Many times, it is the result of the stomach being fooled into thinking more acid is needed to help with the digestive process. For many, they believe that drinking milk can calm an acid stomach when in reality milk may actually trigger the stomach's acid pumps to produce more due to the added content in the stomach.
Any suffering from chronic heartburn will need to change a part of their lifestyle to help eliminate the problem. If it is determined the heartburn is being caused by prescription medication, the doctor may alter the dosage of the medication or change to another type if one is available. The patient may also be prescribed anti-acid medication until the offending medication is better accepted by the person and the side effects disappear.
Acid indigestion, as it is often called, can be an extremely uncomfortable feeling. It can also offer similar symptoms of a heart attack and should never be ignored. When a person is suffering from chronic heartburn, getting help from a doctor or other medical professional is recommended to prevent additional damage to the esophagus or to learn if it is hiding another, potentially dangerous, condition.
About the Author
Charles Hoskins is a Registered Nurse, and contributor to several health related sites including http://www.burning-reflux.com/
Treatment of Heartburn / Acid Reflux / GERD By Franchis Adam
If you have ever tried to get to sleep at night, but were unable to sleep due to a burning feeling in your chest or throat, then you have probably experienced acid reflux. Acid reflux commonly occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn't close properly and stomach contents leak back into the esophagus. This is what is referred to as reflux.
Acid reflux usually feels like a burning pain in the chest that can move up to the throat. It often feels as if food is coming back into the mouth and leaving an acidic taste. Often acid reflux is worse after eating and can be worse when lying down.
About 25 million adults suffer acid reflux daily. Over 60 million experience heartburn at least once a month. Acid reflux treatment can help manage the condition, but not all acid reflux treatments are created equal. Finding a reflux treatment that works can be tricky, and deciding on a course of treatment should be discussed with your doctor. Often the treatment will depend on the severity and frequency of symptoms.
Medications are common in acid reflux treatment. The simplest of medications for acid reflux treatment are the antacids, which can be bought over the counter. Antacids are usually the first drugs recommended for acid reflux treatment. The antacids neutralize stomach acid so the reflux contains no acid to burn the esophagus. The main drawback of antacids in acid reflux treatment is that they empty quickly from the stomach and then the acid returns. Common over-the-counter antacids for acid reflux treatment are Tums, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Alka-Seltzer, and Milk of Magnesium.
A foaming agent is another acid reflux treatment available as Gaviscon. This works by covering the stomach contents with foam to prevent reflux. The foaming agent is an acid reflux treatment that is usually used along with another treatment method to be the most effective.
Histamine antagonists, known as H2 Blockers help to stop acid production. This acid reflux treatment prevents histamine from stimulating acid producing cells. The receptor they block is known as the histamine type two receptor. The H2 antagonists should be taken thirty minutes before meals to be an effective acid reflux treatment. The H2 blockers relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, but do not heal the inflammation of the esophagus that often accompanies acid reflux. The H2 blocking drugs are available both by prescription, and over-the-counter. The over-the-counter versions have lower dosages than those available by prescription. Common brand names for the H2 blockers are Tagamet, Zantac, Axid, and Pepcid.
Another acid reflux treatment medication are the Proton Pump Inhibitors. These drugs are only available by prescription, and are more effective than the H2 Blockers. The Proton Pump Inhibitors both block the secretion of acid into the stomach, and protect the esophagus from acid so the inflammation heals. Some doctors recommend the use of both an H2 Blocker and a Proton Pump Inhibitor taken at bedtime. The common brand names of Proton Pump Inhibitors in acid reflux treatment include Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec, and Nexium.
Recently, an implant was approved by the FDA as an acid reflux treatment for those who don't respond well enough to medication, but who want to avoid surgery. The implant is called Enteryx, and is a spongy solution that strengthens the Lower Esophageal Sphincter to keep the stomach acid from refluxing into the esophagus. The implant is injected during an endoscopy.
Many people prefer to use natural treatments over medications. Herbal treatments are another common acid reflux treatment. There are many available herbal treatments, but not all may work equally well. It does take longer to see results with herbs for acid reflux treatment. It may take up to two months to know whether a particular herb is having a therapeutic effect.
Herbs that decrease stomach acid in acid reflux treatment include slippery elm, flax, licorice, calendula, wild yam and meadowsweet. Care is needed in using licorice in those with high blood pressure and heart disease as it can worsen the condition.
Other herbs are known for relieving indigestion that can lead to acid reflux. One of these herbs is chamomile. It has been used for centuries for its calming properties. It is believed to lead to lower stomach acid because of its high calcium content.
Ginger can help with digestion and nausea. Peppermint is also good for digestion, and when used as a drop on the tongue can help with heartburn.
Lavender is known for reducing stomach acid and is a popular acid reflux treatment. Lavender is a popular herb and is known for healing properties over the entire body.
Digestive enzymes seem to be gaining in popularity for their ability to aid in the digestive process. Undigested food, especially protein can lead to acid reflux. Digestive enzymes used as acid reflux treatment can ensure the stomach has enough hydrochloric acid to digest the protein that can lead to acid reflux if left undigested. An enzyme supplement containing betain or pepsin, or papaya should be taken with meals to ensure proper digestion of protein.
Pineapples and lemons can also be used for acid reflux treatment. Pineapples support digestion, and have a high level of the enzyme bromelain, that helps prevent acid reflux.
Lemons dipped in salt can also prevent acid reflux.
Acid reflux treatment also depends greatly on diet. There are many foods known to trigger acid reflux. While not all foods will affect everyone in the same way, certain foods have a higher incidence of acid reflux symptoms. Foods that should generally be avoided include peppermint, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, citrus juices, and tomato products. The affect of these foods may be mild to severe depending on the acid reflux sufferer. Others will find they have no problems with the foods listed, but will have problems with other foods. A good way to detect a connection with foods and acid reflux would be to keep a food journal for 2-3 weeks. Write down everything eaten and any symptoms experienced. Smaller, more frequent meals can also go a long way in relieving the symptoms of acid reflux.
Millions of adults suffer with acid reflux on a daily basis. Acid reflux is common but it is not a trivial problem. Acid reflux can greatly impact a person's quality of life. Fortunately, a wide variety of acid reflux treatments are available. With the vast array of prescription, over-the-counter, herbal remedies, natural treatments and diet and lifestyle changes, acid reflux can be treated successfully in most people.
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Does Heartburn or GERD Cause Low Iron by Rudy Silva
Physicians think it is ok to use drugs for stomach issues, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal disease. Medication for these conditions should be used sparingly and should be watched closely for side effect by the doctor. Drugs should be used only to give the patient time to heal any tissue damage caused by stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. Natural remedies can be used at the same time drugs are used since natural remedies can also heal tissue damage in the esophagus and cure heartburn.
Most drugstore remedies are designed to alter or reduce acid strength or to stop the stomach lining from producing more acid. The stomach automatically releases acid as it strength decrease while digesting food or when over the counter products and pharmaceuticals are used. The reduction of stomach acid can cause a major impact in your overall health. Stomach acid needs to be around 1.2 to 2.5 pH to do the hundreds of reactions that the stomach needs to do. When these reactions do not occur, a cascade of unhealthy conditions begins. You won't see the detrimental health effect by using drugs short term but you will in long term use.
Here is one condition that happens when your stomach acid is reduced by over the counter drugstore products or by the numerous popular pharmaceutical drugs - anemia.
Anemia is a deficiency of iron in your body. Iron is the center of the hemoglobin, red blood cell, molecule. This molecule delivers oxygen to all of your cells as it travels through your blood system. The lack of iron in your body results in the lack of oxygen for your body and this condition is called anemia. When you lack iron, your body becomes weak and tired. Muscles lose strength and you can become disoriented.
In clinical tests, people that had low stomach acid were found to be anemic. In order for iron to be absorbed into your blood it needs to be in liquid form and not precipitated, a solid, and not attached to another nutrient or fiber.
There are to types of iron - heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron comes from meat. When your stomach is deficient in acid, high pH, meat heme iron will remain in as a liquid and not precipate, so there is no problem with meat heme iron and low stomach acid. The only problem with eating excess meat is that it is not an ideal diet for good health.
But, with non-heme iron, which comes from grains, vegetables, and fortified foods, stomach pH is important. When stomach acid is diminished, like when drugs and other drugstore products are used, iron obtained from produce and grains is also diminished. Stomach acid must separate the iron from produce and grain fibers and dissolve it so it becomes more absorbable.
If you have low iron count, are anemic, or suffer from feeling tired and in addition suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, stay away from acid reflux drugs and drugstore products. Try natural remedies to solve your heartburn symptoms.
Natural remedies maintain your natural stomach pH and allow you to digest and absorb the iron you need to produce oxygen.
About the Author
Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritional Consultant, has just released a special report how to cure your gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn or acid reflux, using natural remedies and a natural eating plan. Go to this site to discover how you can stop and eliminate acid reflux: http://www.nutritiondiet7.com/acidreflux/
Acid Reflux, Also Known As Gerd By J. Foley
Acid reflux is a huge medical problem today. It is a disease that has made quite a headway in the last 25 years. Acid reflux is also called gastroesophageal reflux. Acid reflux is often characterized by a burning sensation in the stomach and chest area. It is most often recognized by its symptom of "heartburn" which reportedly affects 1 out of every 10 adults.
Acid reflux is better know today as GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). Reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach move back up the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach) and even into the pharynx (oral cavity) or trachea (breathing tube). One common thing that has been shown to help with acid reflux is sleeping with your head and chest elevated to help keep acid from refluxing at night.
The best natural way to cure acid reflux is to change your diet and your lifestyle. For those advocating herbal remedies, acid reflux is often equated with poor digestion. The safe and natural approach to healing acid reflux is far better than the usual drugs and medications. The natural cure for acid reflux is all about common sense.
GERD is a severe version of reflux that often causes pain, vomiting and poor weight gain. GERD can disrupt sleep and make eating difficult. GERD, or acid reflux, is a serious problem for many people and can sometimes lead to an aggressive form of cancer so it is not to be taken lightly. This condition was graded according to the endoscopic severity of mucosal damage as no erosions, single erosions, confluent erosions, esophageal ulcers, and strictures. GERD can be prevented by maintaining a healthy body weight, avoiding alcohol and smoking, eating smaller meals, limiting fatty foods, and eliminating trigger foods.
Symptoms of GERD may include heartburn, coughing, frequent clearing of the throat, and difficulty in swallowing. Symptoms of acid reflux into the larynx may include laryngitis, hoarseness, sensation of a lump in the throat, post-nasal drip, chronic throat clearing, excessive throat mucous, sore throat, cough, laryngospasm (spasm of the throat), and/ or throat pain. Other common symptoms include: pain in the upper abdomen and chest, feeling sick, an acid taste in the mouth, bloating, belching, and a burning pain when you swallow hot drinks.
Like heartburn, these symptoms tend to come and go, and tend to be worse after a meal. This makes the diagnosis difficult in some cases as the symptoms can mimic other conditions. Hoarseness or asthma symptoms can sometimes be due to acid reflux. Foods and drinks that have been suspected of making symptoms worse in some people include: peppermint, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, hot drinks, coffee, and alcoholic drinks. .
Acid reflux is an extremely serious condition and if left untreated, this condition can lead to damage being caused to the esophagus as the acid erodes the lining and which then allows acid from the stomach to leak into the mouth and even a person's lungs. Acid reflux is the greatest known risk factor for developing Barrett?s Esophagus, which is the precursor of esophageal cancer.
Acid reflux creates a constant strain on the body which can lead to premature aging. The best thing that you can do to counter the effects of Acid reflux is to switch to a healthier diet. Acid reflux sufferers should consume high fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. While 50 years ago no one had even heard of it, around 30 years ago it made an appearance on the medical scenes. Today, Acid reflux is one of the most common conditions and is increasing at a very rapid rate. Go Here Now For More Info!
Article Written By J. Foley
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Article Written By J. Foley
At Last! Straight Forward, Easy-To-Follow Methods For Effectively Overcoming Acid Reflux, Heartburn & GERD
The Best Acid Reflux Treatment Options By Wade Robins
An even more important question is: why wouldn't you use one of the best acid reflux treatments offered? This treatment is to follow a sensible, nutritious diet that produces less stomach acid. This approach appears to be the most effective heartburn treatment that I have seen, and I'm sure I am not the only one to see these benefits. Consuming plenty of whole grains, fresh vegetables and a few fruits, along with small amounts fat, grease, and meat, will go a long way towards healing heartburn. Being cautious against eating too much, and ensure that you spread your meals out into several small meals during the day instead of simply having one huge meal. This will help to control your acid reflux. Unfortunately, many people choose to simply continue eating the way that they always have, consuming foods that are clearly unhealthy. They then attempt to treat the resulting symptoms with acid reflux medicine. They should instead take care of the root cause, which is easily defined as unhealthy eating habits. This trend is very disappointing. For more info see http://www.treatacidreflux.org/treatment/Side_effects_of_medicines_for_acid_reflux.html on side effects of acid reflux medication.
That is not to say that all heartburn is caused by unhealthy eating habits. There are those individuals who are truly plagued by acid reflux disease for causes other than a bad diet. If you fit into this category, and are truly the sufferer of an overactive stomach, then you are left with no other option than to treat your problem with the remedies accessible to you. If you fail to do this, you will put yourself in jeopardy of contracting a variety of additional health issues as a result of your excessive stomach acid.
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Find more info on Gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms & natural treatment remedy for acid reflex.
Natural Acid Reflux Cures: An Apple Kept Me Alive and the Cure Helped Me Come Alive By Joe Barton
Everyone has a story! Including my dad, Bob, who is a survivor of acid reflux, heartburn, hiatal hernia, gastritis, esophageal reflux, and bile reflux. In fact, acid reflux almost took his life after a stomach surgery in 1976. And the year after surgery was self-labeled, 'the worst year of my life' according to my dad. The year following his surgery consisted of vomiting 3 to 4 times a day because of the acid build up. And finally, a miracle occurred!
My dad found a simple natural acid reflux cure accidentally! One fall night, he stumbled on the cure after eating an apple right before bed. After waking up at 7:00 in the morning, he realized he slept the whole night which ended a one-year streak of sleepless nights and nighttime acid reflux. The following year, my dad became known as Johnny Appleseed!
He dad literally carried an apple or slice of apple wherever he went. He refused to take medication which only gave him acid reflux side-effects (some medications produce gastrin which can cause cancer) and he naturally cured acid reflux with a simple apple. An apple kept my dad alive! And saved him thousands of dollars!
An Acid Reflux Treatment Right for You
Do you try to ignore your acid reflux? If you try to ignore your acid reflux you could eventually destroy your esophagus! Let me explain why you should treat your acid reflux ASAP!
Occasional heartburn doesn't necessarily mean you suffer from Acid Reflux Disease. But, if you experience heartburn more than twice a week, and if your heartburn gets worse after you eat or when you lie down or bend over, you probably have a more serious condition than heartburn. You most likely have Acid Reflux Disease and You Should Treat It Immediately!
Acid Reflux Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD) occurs when the reflux of stomach acid is frequent enough that it causes continual problems in your daily life, and/or results in damage to your esophagus. If you continue to ignore your acid reflux, you could literally destroy your esophagus.
But what acid reflux treatment is right for you?
Natural Acid Reflux Cures that Work-Guaranteed
My dad and I have been in the acid reflux business for almost 5 years and you would never believe how many people have treated and cured acid reflux naturally. In fact, acid reflux is one of the simplest ailments to treat naturally because the cure is simply giving the body what it lacks... proper nutrition. In fact, simple proper nutrition tips can actually eliminate acid reflux completely. Just ask my dad and our thousands of ex-acid reflux customers. After years of suffering, my dad is literally a new man after finding the cure for acid reflux by modifying his diet with simple dieting tips.
Simple Dieting Tips for Acid Reflux
1. Soft Food! Consuming soft foods allow your esophagus to heal.
2. Crunchy is bad! Nuts, crackers, toast, popcorn, cookies, breakfast cereals will make your reflux situation worse by scratching your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).
3. Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods! Spicy and Acidic foods can aggravate your LES and cause heartburn. To prevent this from happening, stay away from these foods, as well as alcohol, beer and soft drinks.
4. One cup of Joe! You should not drink more than one cup of coffer per day!
5. Drink Water! You should try to drink one tall glass of water after every meal to aid with digestion.
Finally, these are only guidelines to help you as you treat your acid reflux. I would also recommend carrying a food journal to document what you eat. You might just discover how your reflux reacts to individual foods! This could be the difference between misery and bliss! Finally, you should also take time to know what particular foods are known to cause heartburn.
Finally, take time to educate yourself on acid reflux and natural treatments. There are numerous natural remedies that you can buy at your local grocery store. If you are interested in risk-free, guaranteed natural remedies please take a minute and visit our website. We've had a 97% success rate out of everyone who's read our Natural Acid Reflux Cures Report and tried our remedy. And if you happen to be one of the 3% of the population with acid reflux that our remedy doesn't work for, I offer everyone a full 100% Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked! You have nothing to lose... except your acid reflux!
Natural Acid Reflux Cures
Joe Barton is a natural health expert specializing in the acid reflux and bile reflux. After months of acid reflux reaseach, Joe and his dad decided to publish a natural treatment for acid reflux. After promising testimonials from cured acid reflux sufferers, Barton Publishing Inc. put out a 100% guaranteed natural cure for acid reflux. To discover what thousands aleady have, please visit Natural Acid Reflux Cures
About the Author
Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using safe, natural, and proven remedies. Bob has helped thousands of people enjoy healthier lives through curing acid reflux and heartburn. Sign up for a free health newsletter today! http://www.bartonpublishing.com/bpnewsletter.htm .
Acid Reflux Disease - Gastro-oesophageal reflux By Franchis Adam
Acid reflux is a huge medical problem today. It is a disease that has made quite a headway in the last 25 years. Acid reflux is also called gastroesophageal reflux. Acid reflux is often characterized by a burning sensation in the stomach and chest area. It is most often recognized by its symptom of "heartburn" which reportedly affects 1 out of every 10 adults.
Acid reflux is better know today as GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). Reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach move back up the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach) and even into the pharynx (oral cavity) or trachea (breathing tube). One common thing that has been shown to help with acid reflux is sleeping with your head and chest elevated to help keep acid from refluxing at night.
The best natural way to cure acid reflux is to change your diet and your lifestyle. For those advocating herbal remedies, acid reflux is often equated with poor digestion. The safe and natural approach to healing acid reflux is far better than the usual drugs and medications. The natural cure for acid reflux is all about common sense.
GERD is a severe version of reflux that often causes pain, vomiting and poor weight gain. GERD can disrupt sleep and make eating difficult. GERD, or acid reflux, is a serious problem for many people and can sometimes lead to an aggressive form of cancer so it is not to be taken lightly. This condition was graded according to the endoscopic severity of mucosal damage as no erosions, single erosions, confluent erosions, esophageal ulcers, and strictures. GERD can be prevented by maintaining a healthy body weight, avoiding alcohol and smoking, eating smaller meals, limiting fatty foods, and eliminating trigger foods.
Symptoms of GERD may include heartburn, coughing, frequent clearing of the throat, and difficulty in swallowing. Symptoms of acid reflux into the larynx may include laryngitis, hoarseness, sensation of a lump in the throat, post-nasal drip, chronic throat clearing, excessive throat mucous, sore throat, cough, laryngospasm (spasm of the throat), and/ or throat pain. Other common symptoms include: pain in the upper abdomen and chest, feeling sick, an acid taste in the mouth, bloating, belching, and a burning pain when you swallow hot drinks.
Like heartburn, these symptoms tend to come and go, and tend to be worse after a meal. This makes the diagnosis difficult in some cases as the symptoms can mimic other conditions.
Hoarseness or asthma symptoms can sometimes be due to acid reflux. Foods and drinks that have been suspected of making symptoms worse in some people include: peppermint, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, hot drinks, coffee, and alcoholic drinks. .
Acid reflux is an extremely serious condition and if left untreated, this condition can lead to damage being caused to the esophagus as the acid erodes the lining and which then allows acid from the stomach to leak into the mouth and even a person's lungs. Acid reflux is the greatest known risk factor for developing Barrett?s Esophagus, which is the precursor of esophageal cancer.
Acid reflux creates a constant strain on the body which can lead to premature aging. The best thing that you can do to counter the effects of Acid reflux is to switch to a healthier diet. Acid reflux sufferers should consume high fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. While 50 years ago no one had even heard of it, around 30 years ago it made an appearance on the medical scenes. Today, Acid reflux is one of the most common conditions and is increasing at a very rapid rate.
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Read out family health. Also check out for weight loss diets and health tips
The 3-day Acid Reflux Diet By Shalini Kagal
No, this is not a cure, not some quick-fix solution, not a miraculous end to a burning issue. What it does however, is to get the problem down to manageable levels so that you can then formulate a change in lifestyle and diet in order to live a GERD-free life. Yes, that's Gastroesophageal reflux disease or the medical term for acid reflux.
With a name like that, you would imagine that it is a condition that only strikes the nerds of this world - the ones who sit around on their PCs or hunched over their laptops for hours on end. Unfortunately, acid reflux is no respecter of persons. An infant can suffer from it as can a fairly active healthy grown up. The reasons are probably too numerous to enumerate. From an immature digestive system in a baby to late nights and stress, pregnancy, certain foods, lack of exercise, whatever.
What this article attempts to do is the first step - to alleviate the burning and the suffering so that one can then calmly go about the business of effecting a long-term cure. Please note that this diet is not recommended for infants, for pregnant or nursing women and for those with any other complications.
All 3 days of this diet will follow the same routine. Well, we call it a diet but you don't really have to go hungry - just not eat most of the food you normally do. You wake up in the morning and drink 2 glasses of water. Wait a while before you have your breakfast. You will notice that the usual morning cuppa is missing. Caffeine is so not a part of the acid reflux cure! Not tea, not coffee. Neither is smoking so if you can't stop completely, do cut down as drastically as you can. Breakfast will be fruits - one or more, you decide. So will lunch. And dinner could be salad or steamed vegetables. Eat as much as you want and you can vary the routine by trying out new kinds of fruit and veggies. Look at the ones on those shelves you haven't tried yet and pop them into your shopping cart.
Remember to drink lots of water through the day. There's an herbal tea you could add to the liquid intake as well. You need to bring 2 liters of water to the boil, put in a small piece of fresh ginger, a couple of cloves and a few fresh mint leaves. Boil for 5 minutes, let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Now drink a cup of this whenever that urge for caffeine comes on.
You might find that you have a slight headache the first day but that is just the toxins in your body draining out. From the second day onwards, you'll feel light and peppy. Follow the early to bed, early to rise maxim together with this diet and your heartburn and acid reflux will be more manageable than you ever knew it to be!
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Freelance Writer http://www.atohmcomm.com/acidreflux
Acid reflux disease and you

Acid reflux disease is a chronic condition and may lead to more serious medical conditions. Acid reflux disease is heartburn 2 or more days a week despite treatment and diet change. Acid reflux disease is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux disease is caused by reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus.
Reflux is also more likely to occur soon after meals, when the volume and acidity of contents in the stomach are higher. Reflux becomes a disease when the symptoms start causing impediments to normal lifestyle, and when the pain is chronic, severe, and over a prolonged period of time. Acid reflux is treatable and you should ask your doctor what treatments are available and right for you.
Symptoms of acid reflux include heartburn, regurgitation and nausea. Symptoms which occur less than five times in a month can easily be treated by over the counter medicines. Symptoms can be greatly relieved or prevented by lifestyle and dietary changes as well as the use of herbs known to promote healthy digestion. Lying down after a meal, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and even performing certain activities, such as bending over, can also trigger symptoms in patients.
Acid reflux is treatable and you should ask your doctor what treatments are available and right for you. Treatment for acid reflux disease is very personal; what works for one patient will be ineffective for another. Treatment of the symptoms of acid reflux usually includes taking some medication. A doctor can evaluate the condition and advise on an appropriate treatment plan.
Foods that contain high amounts of fat in them are often a cause of acid reflux disease. Foods that contain a lot of citrus or acid can obviously be a common cause. Foods such as chocolate and ice-cream can also cause acid reflux disease. Foods like fresh apple as well as dried apples are very beneficial for people suffering from acid reflux.
Acid reflux disease is also known as GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) and more commonly as heartburn. Acid reflux disease is the spontaneous regurgitation of acid and food from the stomach into the esophagus. Acid reflux disease is often a chronic condition that can lead to serious complications over time. Acid reflux disease is often mistaken for occasional heartburn because of its frequent and persistent heartburn symptoms. Acid Reflux Disease is a chronic condition that, if left untreated, may lead to more serious medical conditions.
About the Author
Who is John B Galt? John B Galt is an avid writer and frequent contributor to thefreshest.info for more info about Acid Reflux Diisease visit www.thefreshest.info/acid_reflux_disease