
The Best Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux By Cindy Heller

Acid reflux problem is a condition of the digestive system of human anatomy. Acid reflux can occur to young and old, irrespective of the age. Though all of us would have sometimes experienced symptoms of acid reflux, but frequent episodes of acid refluxes can ruin the life of a person by giving him sleepless nights.

Let us first understand what acid reflux is all about. The acid reflux disease is also known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In this case, the stomach acids, often accompanied by the food can be thrown back into the food pipe causing a terrible burning sensation. This is known as heartburn, and is often followed by a severe chest pain which is similar to a heart attack. Frequent cases of acid reflux causes damage to the esophageal lining and can often lead to cancer of the esophagus.

Acid reflux is generally taken for granted for indigestion problems and often taking an antacid or an aerated drink causes immediate release of gas through burps. This may provide some relief from the acid reflux problem but is certainly not a cure for the disease.

Acid reflux problem occurs due to lifestyle problems and bad eating habits. Though medications may provide cure for the symptoms of the disease but the best way to avoid this problem is by natural treatments.

Treating Acid Reflux the Natural way
Natural treatment for acid reflux includes inculcating good food habits and changes in the way we lead our lives. This can be done by avoiding acidic foods from the diet, adopting healthier means of cooking and sticking to an exercise routine.

Healthy and nutritious diet plan can be great change and effective method of starting natural treatment for acid reflux problem. Healthy diet does not necessarily mean boiled meals but you can still have vegetables and meat grilled and baked using less fat and spices. Creativity and imagination is what is needed to make a simple meal healthier and tastier.

Sacrificing the ill habit of hitting the bed or lying down immediately after meals is also a cure for acid reflux problem. The meals should be taken at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. One can go out for slow walks after meal or indulge in playing with your pet instead of lying down. While sleeping, it is advisable to rest on your left side rather than your back. Also, raising the headboard of the bed to an inclined position also helps to control the acid reflux.

Though alcohol consumption and smoking do not generally cause acid reflux but they certainly aggravate the condition. Hence, these must be avoided. Also drinks containing caffeine i.e. coffee and tea must be avoided. Instead prepare yourself an herbal tea made from lavender, mint leaves and aniseed. These are known to prevent acid attacks and soothe the esophageal lining.
Herbs like ginger root, chicory root, and goldenseal are known to provide excellent relief from the symptoms of acid reflux. Apart from these, apple cider vinegar works well for some people. Fruits like pineapple, banana and apples are known to absorb the stomach acid and relax the acid reflux symptoms.

There are innumerable natural treatments available. These treatments are free from the harmful side effects of mediations. However, not all natural treatments can have the same effect on everyone. While apple cider vinegar may work for one person, it may not for the other person. So, one has to try out before deciding on the natural treatment that best suits him.

Stick to the Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux
Finding the best possible natural treatment is a long procedure and one needs to have certain amount of patience. Once you have found the natural solution to your acid reflux problem, stick to it. Though slow in action, the natural treatments have long term benefits to reap.

The normal tendency of us, human beings, is that the moment we reach the comfort zone, we forget the hardships that were taken to reach to the pinnacle. It may be still easier to control acid reflux problems with natural treatments but sticking to it after attaining a certain degree of comfort, is difficult. Hence, if you have seen the benefits of introducing positive changes in your food and living habits by natural means, then try to stick to the regimen.

About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit acid reflux explained to learn more about newborn acid reflux symptoms and other natural remedies for acid reflux.

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